Architectural Adventures / by hugo keene


One thing that forged our partnership has been what we call adventures in architecture. Like most architects we love to explore places, sometimes seeking a particular building, or sometimes we just find ourselves somewhere new and have time on our hands. At least once a year, we try to embark on a more extensive study tour of sorts, and some of the adventures chronicled here are part of those journeys, others are chance encounters with less planning involved.

I’ve always been the one to take the photos, cataloging the things we’ve seen, and I’ve had an on/off love affair with photography my whole life. It has changed a lot, and while I mostly don’t miss the days of processing and dark rooms, some potency has been lost. I still love to photograph buildings, but I know how photos cannot convey much of the power of the physicality of being in a place itself.

Now that architectural adventures are not as easily accessible, we thought it would be a good time to share the backlog, to bring ourselves and our friends back to those places to inspire and enjoy.

We’re starting with 4 unique and special buildings, weekly for October (or Archtober?). Each post will be a series of images and a couple of paragraphs, not of architectural critique, but the story of how we came to find ourselves in this place and why.

I hope these are enjoyed, we’ve enjoyed making them.